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IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
In this paper, a personal micronavigation system that uses high-resolution gait-corrected inertial measurement units is presented. The goal of this paper is to develop a navigation system that uses secondary inertial variables, such as velocity, to enable long-term precise navigation in the absence of Global Positioning System (GPS) and beacon signals. In this scheme, measured zerovelocity duration from the ground reaction sensors is used to reset the accumulated integration errors from accelerometers and gyroscopes in position calculation. With the described system, an average position error of 4 m is achieved at the end of half-hour walks.
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Bebek, O.; Suster, M. A.; Rajgopal, S.; Fu, M. J.; Xuemei Huang; Çavuşoǧlu, M. C.; Young, D. J.; Mehregany, M.; van den Bogert, A. J.; Mastrangelo, C. H. Personal Navigation via High-Resolution Gait-Corrected Inertial Measurement Units. Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on 2010, 59, 3018-3027.
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