"Title Examination of Somatic Symptomatology Using the Cleveland Adapti" by Elizabeth Kisela

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Psychology



First Advisor

Poreh, Amir

Subject Headings

Personality Psychology, Psychological Tests, Psychology


This study was designed to assess the reliability and validity of the Cleveland Adaptive Personality Inventory (CAPI) and the Dimensional Somatic Questionnaire (DSQ) on the chronic pain population, depression population, and healthy control population. A total of 178 chronic pain participants, 208 depression participants, and 220 healthy control participants were collected, though not all were used for analysis due to missing data. Each participant was administered an online version of the CAPI with the Dimensional Somatic Questionnaire. Both questionnaires were significantly shortened during or prior to analysis. The questionnaires were shortened to make them more practical for use in the clinical setting. This study documented acceptable to excellent reliability for all 10 main scales of the CAPI across all three groups. Additional findings for the CAPI showed that the somatic scale and depression scale were highly sensitive and specific to the chronic pain and depression populations, respectively. The DSQ demonstrated excellent overall reliability. The DSQ was not found to be useful in distinguishing between chronic somatic symptomatology and chronic emotional symptomatology and was not found to have three constructs (e.g. mental health, emotional health, and behavioral health). However, it was found sensitive and specific to chronic pain patients and would be useful in deciphering the amount of functional impairment a chronic pain participant may have.