"The Moderating Role of Emotion Regulation in the Relationship Between " by Sarah M. Ghose

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Psychology



First Advisor

Yaroslavsky, Ilya

Subject Headings

Health, Health Sciences, Psychology


This study examined whether both perceived and objectively rated chronic stress are contributing external factors to altered Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) disease severity among diagnosed individuals. This study further examined whether emotion regulation (ER) acts as an ameliorative factor within this relationship. Of additional interest to this investigation was whether objectively rated stress (acquired via the UCLA Life Stress Interview) provided a unique contribution to this relationship. Recent investigations suggest that higher levels of perceived stress may result in increased IBD severity. Further, ER deficits may be associated with increased IBD disease activity in response to both chronic and perceived stress. Participants (N=30) completed measures of perceived and chronic stress, ER, and disease severity. Multiple moderation models were examined to determine the moderating role of ER (both adaptive and maladaptive) within relationships between both perceived and chronic stress and disease severity (measured by the Harvey Bradshaw Index). No ER moderation effect was observed in the relationship(s) between objective and perceived stress ratings and IBD disease severity. However, results do suggest that adaptive and maladaptive ER significantly influence disease severity (decreased and increased respectively) independent of both objective and perceived stress ratings. These findings suggest the utility of ER-informed psychoeducation and interventions in the treatment and maintenance of IBD.