"A Grounded Theory Investigation of Supervisors’ Perspectives on Multic" by Erica D. Wiley

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Education


College of Education and Human Services

First Advisor

Phillips, Julia

Subject Headings

Counseling Psychology, Multicultural Education, Psychology


This study addressed an area of supervision that is important to the identity of Counseling Psychologists: multicultural strength-based clinical supervision. Clinical supervision is instrumental to the development of psychological skills and knowledge and is an essential component of masters and doctoral training in psychology. This research explored the ways that clinical supervisors attempt to incorporate strength-based clinical supervision in conjunction with multicultural supervision strategies and concepts into their work with students, which has not previously been done. This study was a qualitative investigation using grounded theory and adapted consensual qualitative research methodology and analysis. Participants included 14 diverse licensed psychologists who have supervised graduate trainees in the past year. Data were organized into four domains: Supervisory Approaches Currently Used, Multicultural Approaches in Supervisory Practice, Integration of Strength-based Approaches in Supervisory practice, and Supervisor Power and Supervisee Empowerment. Results suggested that participants were keenly aware of multiculturalism and multicultural competence, and infused these perspectives throughout their supervision. Supervisors as a group were less aware of the ways that they used strength-based interventions with their supervisees, though a subset of participants used strength-based interventions with intention. Most notably, some supervisors used multicultural and strength-based perspectives in an integrative fashion in that they recognized that strengths vary significantly depending on the cultural context. Implications for supervision practice, research, and training are discussed.