"Acculturation Experiences of Asian Indian Immigrant Math and Science T" by Loveleen Sharma-chopra

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Education


College of Education and Human Services

First Advisor

Harper, Brian

Subject Headings

Asian American Studies, Bilingual Education, Curriculum Development, Education Philosophy, Education Policy, Educational Leadership, Educational Psychology, Educational Sociology, Educational Tests and Measurements, Mathematics Education, Science Education


The study examined the acculturation experiences of Asian Indian immigrant math and science teachers in a K-12 urban school district. The study was preceded by a pilot study in 2008 to develop a protocol for dissertation, which examined the acculturation experiences of professional Asian Indian females and cultural values conflict in the United States. The current research investigated if being a math or science teacher in an urban school district has influenced the participants’ acculturation process in the United States. Framed in social constructivism theory, the researcher used the phenomenological approach to investigate the meaning-making process of immigrant professional teachers in their new social environment. The study explored factors, such as gender roles, work environment, and cultural values to extrapolate if participants’ perceptions changed regarding these after interacting with the mainstream culture. The results indicated successful acculturation of the participants by clearly adopting the values of the host culture, and retaining their own-hence, finding a balanced approach between the two. The research will benefit the new immigrants, teaching professionals in K-12, counselors, and school administrators to assist the immigrant populations in schools and professional environment.