"The Effect of the I-ready Reading Program on Student Scores on the Nor" by Ricardo A. Torres

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Education


College of Education and Human Services

First Advisor

Hampton, Frederick

Subject Headings

Education, Language Arts


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect on student scores on the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA®) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Reading Assessment when students are engaged with on-line adaptive diagnostics and instruction via the Curriculum Associates (CA) i-Ready Reading on-line platform. Outcomes were explored based on usage of the i-Ready program, ethnicity (Hispanic, or Non-Hispanic), and sex (male, or female) of the participant. Participants were students in a K-8 environment in an urban setting in the Mid-West United States. There were two groups of students: one group who used the i-Ready Reading program by CA, and the other who did not. The students who used the program did so based on the discretion of the school principal. Students who were chosen were exposed to the same core curriculum and quality of teacher was controlled for using 2015-2016 summative teacher ratings. Data collection included baseline spring 2016 NWEA® MAP Reading scores, and summative spring 2017 NWEA® MAP Reading scores. The data used were from the 2016-2017 school year. Fixed Effect (FE) Linear Regression was used for the analysis. In general, students who used the i-Ready Reading Program by CA demonstrated lower spring 2017 NWEA MAP Reading Assessment scores than students who did not use the program.