"Examination of the Implementation of a Mandated Attendance Policy in O" by Rene Teruko Molenaur

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Education degree


Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs

First Advisor

Galletta, Anne M.


This multi-site case study uses Policy Implementation Process Examination (PIPE) and a variegated diagram to represent the evolution of interpretations in a human sense-making framework as it relates to Ohio House Bill 410, legislated in 2016. The purpose of the research is to study how implementing agents such as school district personnel respond to legislation and carry out efforts to reduce chronic absenteeism while attending to local conditions. Because the COVID-19 pandemic occurred while this study was taking place, this study was able to include within its investigation how school district personnel responded to this crisis and changes in conditions during implementation. In examining the experiences of practitioners, the researcher is not seeking to prove or support a particular curriculum, school, model, or theory. Rather, this study seeks to draw on PIPE and theories of human sense-making to gain an understanding of the experiences and meaning district personnel give to policies enacted to reduce chronic absenteeism. The findings of the study may offer useful considerations for future policymaking in the area of chronic absenteeism and may contribute to theories of policy development and implementation.