"Treatment of Combine Dye And Flour Wastewater By Coagulation Process" by Bukola Mojisola Adesanmi

Date of Award

Spring 1-1-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science In Environmental Engineering Degree


Civil And Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Hung, Yung-tse

Second Advisor

Dr. Lili Dong

Third Advisor

Dr. Howard H. Paul


Food industries produce large quantities of organic wastewater which creates high biological and chemical oxygen demand in surface water. The textile industry is also a major contributor of dye wastewater into the water bodies affecting the water quality in relation to light transmissivity. This study focused on the treatment process of coagulation on a combined mixture of dye and flour wastewater. Synthetic dye and flour wastewater prepared in the laboratory was used and the flour used to prepare the flour wastewater was bought from the grocery store. The treatment was carried out using four different concentrations of wastewater. Using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, the effectiveness of the coagulation process was measured for Transmittance, Absorbance, and total organic carbon (TOC) as indices. It can be concluded that coagulation process is an effective preliminary treatment process for suspended particles, organics, and color removal from industrial effluent.