"The Rms Framework of Academic Marketing Research Productivity" by Kevin A. Flynn

Date of Award

Spring 1-1-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration Degree



First Advisor

Dixit, Ashutosh

Second Advisor

Dr. Rajshekhar Javalgi

Third Advisor

Dr. Kimberly Neuendorf


The goal of this dissertation is to provide a thorough grasp of exceptional academic marketing research productivity in the leading academic marketing journals (The Journal of Marketing, The Journal of Marketing Research, The Journal of Consumer Research, and Marketing Science). Producing strong academic marketing research in the leading journals benefits society, academic institutions and individual students and scholars. However, this task is difficult, success is rare, and competition is fierce for limited spots in each journal addition. This research will explore three research questions that deal with accomplishing the task of publication in a leading marketing journal: 1. How do resources acquired from Ph.D. training, academic affiliation, and academic collaborations impact academic marketing research productivity? 2. How does intrinsic motivation impact academic marketing research productivity? 3. How does a strategy utilizing cosmopolitan collaboration impact academic marketing research productivity? To tackle these questions, this dissertation will develop a conceptual structure including Resources, Motivation, and Strategy, known as the RMS framework. This framework will benefit academic researchers and department chairs looking to increase publication performance in top academic marketing journals. In line with the second and third research questions, the second objective is to develop a managerially focused v framework and propositions that are needed for RMS adoption considerations. This study may make an important theoretical contribution to the field of marketing via creation of the RMS framework. Based on a thorough review of literature, this dissertation develops a definition of RMS. This research then integrates relevant factors that influence adoption of RMS by individuals to propose a conceptual framework and five hypotheses. This dissertation empirically tests the five hypotheses using data collected from a questionnaire, then analysis using multiple regression and binary logistic regression and then presents findings. Finally, after collecting data and analysis of the results this dissertation provides conclusions, theoretical implications, managerial implications, limitations, and avenues for future research.