"School-based Yoga Intervention Programs Promoting Self-regulation And " by Jennifer K. Ishaq

Date of Award

Spring 1-1-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts In Clinical Psychology Degree



First Advisor

Goncy, Elizabeth

Second Advisor

Shereen Naser

Third Advisor

Colleen McMahon


Self-regulation deficits in childhood are related to difficulty focusing, aggressive behavior, and poor communication and coping skills. In contrast, strong self-regulation skills are associated with better adaptive functioning outcomes including stronger academic performance, social competence, and stress management, which may act as a protective factor for adverse outcomes in adulthood. A promising intervention to address self-regulatory deficits is school-based mindfulness and yoga programs. Mindful yoga practice can promote the ability to focus better, avoid fights, and calm down. With use of archival data, the present study aimed to analyze changes in student’s self-regulation and adaptive functioning outcomes post school-based yoga intervention. Adaptive functioning outcomes were measured by student reported benefits in the abilities to focus or pay attention better, avoid fights, and calm down when upset. The study explored whether student use of yoga at home influenced self-regulation changes. Results did not support positive changes overall in self-regulation after a school based yoga program or the influence of self-regulation change scores on adaptive functioning outcomes. Our study did support the influence of yoga at home and higher changes in self-regulation and self-reported benefits to adaptive functioning outcomes. Younger children were more likely to report greater benefits in adaptive functioning outcomes. No gender differences were found in self-regulation or adaptive functioning outcomes.