"Relationship Between Religious Support, Perceived Barriers And Work Vo" by Adam Cusner

Date of Award

Winter 1-1-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy In Urban Education Degree: Counseling Psychology


Education and Human Services

First Advisor

Stead, Graham B.

Second Advisor

Kelly Yu-Hsin Liao

Third Advisor

Dr. Katherine Hahn Oh


Work volition as it relates to perceived career barriers for marginalized populations has become a growing area of research in the field of vocational psychology (Blustein, 2004, 2013). Such research through the psychology of working framework (PWF) has focused on highlighting the strengths and challenges of career-development variables for marginalized groups, and identifying coping variables to aid in the development of an individual’s working needs. Two constructs that have been supported throughout PWF research, work volition and perceived career barriers, focus on detailing the negative impacts of ethnic and gender discrimination on career development (Duffy et al., 2016; Gee, 2002; Joireman & Stratham, 2005; Yoo & Lee, 2005). In response to Duffy’s (2005) call for further inquiry regarding career-development in relation to religious variables, this investigation explored the contextual factor that religious community support has within the Orthodox Jewish community on their relationship with work. The study sampled 252 Orthodox Jewish people over the age of 18, primarily from the greater Cleveland area. Respondents completed online survey questionnaires distributed through SurveyMonkey.com. A mediated regression model analyzed the relationship between this group’s reported perceptions of barrier and work volition, as mediated by religious social support. An additional moderation model analyzed the iv described mediated model to determine the extent gender has on the relationship with these factors. Results from the mediation regression indicated that there was a significant relationship found between variables (F(2, 249) = -9.56, p <.001). The moderation analysis revealed that there were no significant relationships found based on gender differences for any of the variables relationships: perceptions of barriers, religious social support and work volition.