Date of Award

Spring 1-1-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Education In Exercise Science Degree


Health And Human Performance

First Advisor

Sparks, Kenneth

Second Advisor

Dr. Emily Kullman

Third Advisor

Dr. Douglas Wajda


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine whether Intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC) acutely improves inflammation and glucose regulation in Type 2 diabetics. It was hypothesized that acute use of pneumatic compression will improve circulation and glucose levels and decrease inflammation in Type 2 diabetics. Methods: Subjects included 10 individuals clinically diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Plasma and serum were obtained intravenously to analyze insulin, Interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-reactive protein (CRP) and nitric oxide (NO). An HbA1C was obtained at the beginning of testing via a finger stick. Subjects came into the laboratory a total of 2 times (on a Monday and Friday in the same week) to measure the variables previously listed and receive treatment. The subjects completed a total of 5 days (3 at home) of IPC treatments using the NormaTec recovery system. Results: There were no significant differences found within the inflammation values. Blood glucose levels decreased more in the laboratory setting than at home or on the subjects control days. Ten minute recovery blood glucose levels (-2.60 ± 3.01) decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in the laboratory setting. Conclusion: The hypothesis was supported because of the significant decrease of blood glucose in the recovery phase and the slight, non significant decreases in Nitrate levels. There were also small, nonsignificant decreases in IL-6 and CRP levels observed over 5 iv days of treatment. Five days of treatment led to a decrease of basal levels of inflammation.