"The Effects of Yoga on Incarcerated Youth" by Kyle Eyman

Date of Award

Spring 1-1-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts In Clinical Psychology Degree



First Advisor

Goncy, Elizabeth

Second Advisor

Shereen Naser, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Kimberly Fuller, Ph.D.


Prior research has shown that yoga and mindfulness-based practices have been used to reduce stress, depression, and anxiety (Chong et al., 2011; Riley et al., 2014). Additionally, there has been a push to introduce yoga into prison through the Prison Yoga Project (PYP). Yoga has been studied in adult prison and has had success in aiding inmates with improvements of stress and symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as improvement of self-regulation (Auty et al., 2015). However, yoga and the PYP are unstudied in juvenile correctional facilities. The present study examined the usage of the PYP in one juvenile correctional facility. Across time, participants saw an average 38% reduction in stress from the beginning of a yoga session to the end of a yoga session. These finding provide valuable evidence that yoga and the PYP can provide effective benefits in juvenile correctional facilities. Furthermore, the PYP and yoga could be used in other setting involving juveniles, such as schools and other residential placements.