"Implementing And Sustaining Trauma-informed Care: An Exploration of St" by Aaron Muttillo

Date of Award

Winter 1-1-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

Candidate For The Doctor of Philosophy In Urban Education Degree: Policy Studies


Education And Human Services

First Advisor

Galletta, Anne M.

Second Advisor

Brian Harper, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Tachelle I. Banks, Ph.D.


There is optimism that the effects of childhood adversity can be mitigated through trauma-informed care (TIC) practices in school settings. This study investigated a nonprofit child-serving organization’s experience with implementing and sustaining TIC. At both the organizational and individual level, factors exist that complicate the application ofTIC principles. This case study utilized a mixed methods approach to better understand staff’s conceptualization of TIC, their attitudes concerning TIC, and their experiences using TIC practices. After nearly a decade since TIC was first implemented, the study found that staff continue to maintain favorable attitudes toward TIC while their articulation ofTIC practices varied. Secondly, the focus on staff wellness masks the insufficient response from systems to support TIC. Finally, the study revealed that the colorblindness ofTIC results in the replication of control and exclusionary tactics. This research adds to the literature as it amplified the voices of staff to reveal the benefits and challenges of TIC.

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