"It's Just Who I Am: A Narrative Inquiry of the Emergence of Culturally" by BM Towns

Date of Award

Spring 4-22-2022

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Education


Doctoral Studies

First Advisor

Galletta, Anne

Second Advisor

Gooddell, Joanne

Third Advisor

Banks, Tachelle

Subject Headings

Education, Education Philosophy, Education Policy, Educational Leadership


Culturally Responsive School Leadership is one of the most essential elements of the academic and longitudinal success of minoritized students from urban hyper-ghettoized communities. Despite the impact of Culturally Responsive School Leadership, the focus on improving learning has centered teachers instead of their leaders. Upon this realization, this study set out to center the Culturally Responsive School Leader, their context within the landscape of leadership and education, the history of Black Americans, and the frameworks of cultural and social capital as critical to the manner in which Culturally Responsive School Leaders engage with their students, families, communities, and the educational institution. This study interviewed twelve school leaders from a large metropolitan school district and its adjacent school districts about their journey to school leadership, their understandings of cultural capital, and how they performed their roles and responsibilities in light of their perceptions of cultural capital and their journey to school leadership. Participants consistently revealed a chronology of events throughout their lives that set them on the path of education and educational leadership that detailed them being Culturally Responsive, becoming a School Leader and doing Culturally Responsive School Leadership. They would also suggest that Culturally Responsive School Leaders emerge, they are not developed; they connect in authentic ways to those they serve, and they rectify, not repair, the harm executed against minoritized communities through their position as school leader.

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