"In-Situ Growth of Porous Alumino-Silicates and Fabrication of Nano-Por" by Pradeep Kodumuri

Date of Award


Degree Type



Fenn College of Engineering

First Advisor

Tewari, Surendra

Subject Headings

Membranes (Technology), Membrane separation, Zeolites, Chemical engineering, Zeolites, Mesoporous silica, Nano-porous membranes, Single crystal aluminum, Alumina membranes


Feasibility of depositing continuous films of nano-porous alumino-silicates, primarily zeolites and MCM-41, on metallic and non-metallic substrates was examined with an aim to develop membranes for separation of gaseous mixtures and also for application as hydrogen storage material. Mesoporous silica was deposited in-side the pores of these nano-porous disks with an aim to develop membranes for selective separations. Our study involves supported zeolite film growth on substrates using in-situ hydrothermal synthesis. Faujasite, Silicalite and Mesoporous silica have been grown on various metallic and non-metallic supports. Metallic substrates used for film growth included anodized titanium, sodium hydroxide treated Titanium, Anodized aluminum, and sintered copper. A non-metallic substrate used was nano-porous aluminum oxide. Zeolite film growth was characterized using Scanning Electron Microscope (AMRAY 1820) and High Resolution Transmission electron microscope. Silicalite was found to grow uniformly on all the substrates to form a uniform and closely packed film. Faujasite tends to grow in the form of individual particles which do not inter-grow like silicalite to form a continuous film. Mesoporous silica was found to grow uniformly on anodized aluminum compared to growth on sintered copper and anodized titanium. Mesoporous silica growth on Anodisc® was found to cover more than half the surface of the substrate. Commercially obtained Anodisc® was found to have cylindrical channels of the pore branching into each other and since we needed pore channels of uniform dimension for Mesoporous silica growth, we have fabricated nano-porous alumina with uniform pore channels. Nano-porous alumina membranes containing uniform distribution of through thickness cylindrical pore channels were fabricated using anodization of aluminum disks. Free-standing nano-porous alumina membranes were used as templates for electro-deposition in order to fabricate nickel and palladium nano-wire mesh with large surface area to volum

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