"Convolutional Coded Generalized Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum" by Madan Venn

Date of Award


Degree Type



Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Hizlan, Murad

Subject Headings

Spread spectrum communications, Digital communications, Coding theory, Error-correcting codes (Information theory)


In this thesis we investigate the worst-case performance of coded ordinary and coded generalized direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) systems in a communication channel corrupted by an unknown and arbitrary interfering signal of bounded power. We consider convolutional codes with Viterbi decoding in order to compare the performance of coded ordinary and coded generalized DSSS systems. For the generalized DSSS system, we use a pulse stream of +1,-1 and 0 as the spreading sequence, which is different from ordinary DSSS system which uses the typical sequence with pulse values of +1 and -1. A C program for performing Monte-Carlo simulations is written in order to evaluate and compare the performance of coded ordinary and coded generalized DSSS systems. Plots of the worst-case error probability versus signal-to-interference ratio are presented for different code rates and constraint lengths of the convolutional code. Simulation results of the worst-case performance of ordinary and generalized DSSS show that generalized DSSS consistently performs appreciably better than ordinary DSSS. Simulation is performed for various code rates, various constraint lengths of the convolutional code and various lengths of the convolutional interleaver. Over all these simulations, it is observed that the difference between ordinary and generalized DSSS gets more pronounced as the channel gets worse