"A Comparative Study on Fault Detection and Self-Reconfiguration" by Ning Ge

Date of Award


Degree Type



Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Lin, Paul P.

Subject Headings

Fault location (Engineering), Detectors, Observers (Control theory), Automatic control, Process control, ESO, Alpha-Beta-Gamma Tracker, Fault Detection, ADRC, Control


Extended State Observer (ESO) and the Alpha-Beta-Gamma Tracker are introduced and compared. In comparison, the ESO is found to be more noise resistant. The extended state used for the estimation of the general system dynamics in real time makes it suitable for fault detection. Four control schemes are proposed for self-reconfiguration upon fault detection. These schemes are Active Disturbance Rejection Control, Tracker-based Feedback Control, Fuzzy Logic Control and Tracker-based PID Control. To compare their control performance, these schemes are applied to three different applications namely Active Engine Vibration Isolation System, Three-Tank Dynamic System and MEMS Gyroscope System. The advantages and disadvantages of using the control schemes for each application are presented