"Relationship of Passive Hip Range of Motion to Countermovement Jump He" by Jacob Karl Hoopingarner

Date of Award


Degree Type



Education and Human Services

First Advisor

Little, Kathleen

Subject Headings

Biomechanics kinesiology physical education hip range of motion ROM vertical jump CMJH peak power output PPO passive flexibility


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine passive hip range of motion (ROM) and how it relates to countermovement jump height (CMJH) and peak power output (PPO). Methods: Twenty subjects (10 males, 10 females), 19-31 years of age (23.5 ± 3.0) participated in this study. Height (170.3 ±6.9 cm), weight (65.8 ±10.5 kg) and body fat (15.6 ±6.9 , BodPod) were measured. Males with body fat greater than 17.5 and females greater than 27.5 were excluded from the study since jumping ability is limited by body fat. Power athletes were excluded from the study due to their likely jump training. Four passive hip ROMs were measured: flexion, extension, internal rotation (IR) and external rotation (ER). CMJH was measured using a Vertec vertical jump system. PPO was calculated using the Harman equation and then normalized for lean body mass (LBM). Subjects were categorized into groups for low, average and high ROM those within one standard deviation (SD) of the mean were categorized into the average group those below one SD of the mean were categorized into the low group those above one SD of the mean were categorized into the high group. A Pearson correlation was used to determine the relationship between CMJH and PPO to hip ROMs. A one-way ANOVA was used to compare low, average and high ROM groups for CMJH and PPO. Results: There were significant (p < 0.05) negative correlations between hip flexion, extension and IR with CMJH (r = -0.67, -0.71, -0.64 respectively). While hip ER did not relate significantly (p > 0.05) to CMJH (r = 0.33), there was a significant relationship (p <0.05) with PPO (r = 0.52). There were no significant (p > 0.05) differences in CMJH and PPO when low, average and high ROM groups were compared. Conclusion: Hip extension was associated with higher CMJH, while hip flexion and internal rotation associated with lower CMJH. Only hip external rotation correlated with PPO with a greater ROM associated with greater PPO. There is, however, no optimal ROM that relates to

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