"The Musical Moment: for String Quartet" by Seungchul Ahn

Date of Award


Degree Type




First Advisor

Rindfleisch, Andrew

Subject Headings

String quartets -- Scores, Music composition, String quartet


This piece represents the fusion of my life experiences in America and of studying abroad. Albeit, I had accomplished in Korea, when in America, I had become overwhelmed, and felt somewhat discouraged by a lack of focus. However, once I listened the string quartets of Bela Bartok, both my focus and my enthusiasm for writing music came back. The desired musical moment led me to write this string quartet for my thesis this string quartet piece is fully filled with and admiration to Bartok. The overall piece is intended to express my journey - the thoughts, feelings, experiences of studying in U.S. moving from confusions to the joy of the musical moment as I regained my focus. My journey will go on for endless musical moments. The piece consists of one movement, in which there are an introduction (mm. 1 - 27), an exposition (mm. 28 - 111), a development (mm. 112 - 168), a recapitulation (mm. 169 - 186), and coda (mm. 187 - the end). The introduction opens with a tranquil mood. In the exposition, the first theme of piece, the second violin melody of measure 40, is appeared in various ways and the second theme, the second violin melody of measure 63, is intertwined with the first theme in various ways as well. In the development, the second theme appears in various ways and leads to the climax, measure 157 to 168 as well. The recapitulation, which includes the first and second theme, is playing a role of bridge to the coda. In the coda, viola and cello play a role of accompaniment for the first and second violin which play the first theme for the ending

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