"Effect of Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) on Swim Sprint Performanc" by Andrew P. Hancock

Date of Award


Degree Type



Education and Human Services

First Advisor

Sparks, Kenneth

Subject Headings

Swimming, Physical education and training, potentiation, swimming, power rack, sprinting


Purpose: This study examined post-activation potentiation (PAP) and its effect on performance during sprint swimming. Following resistance exercise, the muscles are in a potentiated, as well as a fatigued state. Potentiation dissipates faster than fatigue, creating a window of opportunity for possible performance enhancement. It was hypothesized that (1) there will be an improvement in sprint performance as a result of a PAP loading protocol, and (2) that there will be a significantly greater improvement in males as a result of a PAP loading protocol. Methods: Subjects were 30 members (males, N=15 females, N=15) of the Cleveland State University Swim Team. Subjects performed two swim trials in a randomized order. The control trial involved a standard 900 meter freestyle swim warm up, followed by 6 minutes rest, followed by a maximal 100 meter freestyle swim effort. The PAP trial involved the same protocol however a PAP loading protocol was completed prior to the 6 minutes rest. The PAP loading protocol involved the subjects completing four maximal 10 meter swims at a 1 minute interval while attached to a resistive Power Rack. The load (L) for the swims was derived by the formula where LBM is the subjects'lean body mass and t is their best 100 meter freestyle time. Fifty meter splits were also analyzed, as well as blood lactates. A repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze the differences between trials, as well as compare the gender response. Results: There was a significant improvement in 100 meter freestyle time (.54sec) for the PAP trial versus the control trial (p=.029). Both males and females improved during the PAP trial compared to the control trial for each performance measure: 100 meter, first 50 meter split, and last 50 meter, but there was no significant gender interaction (p=.647). Conclusion: PAP has been shown to enhance 100 meter freestyle performance in collegiate sprint swimmers. Males and females have shown a similar response to a PAP loading stimulus, although other methods for loading sho

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