"Application of Multiple Intelligence Theory to an E-Learning Technolog" by Alfred J. Degennaro

Date of Award


Degree Type



Monte Ahuja College of Business

First Advisor

Misra, Santosh

Subject Headings

E-learning, Multiple intelligences, Technology acceptance model, TAM, MI, Learning, E-learning, Elearning, Multiple intelligences, Technology acceptance model, TAM, MI, Learning


With the speed of doing business on the rise, employees must learn to adapt to new technologies and improved performance expectations without losing productivity or time on task. Students looking to enter the workforce must understand that education does not end with graduation rather the expectation is that everyone will be life long learners. To meet the challenge, education providers are looking for alternative ways to bring education to the student and enhance the learning experience. With e-learning, students enjoy flexible scheduling, businesses can realize improvements in workforce skills while reducing education expenditures (i.e. improved Return On Investment, ROI) and education providers extend their campuses at minimal cost. E-learning is fast becoming a preferred method of delivering quality education any time, any where. Educators, however, have mixed feelings on the subject. Many have embraced the new technology and report positive results. Others question the effectiveness of e-learning, pointing to the high dropout rate in e-learning courses and bias in the literature supporting e-learning. The cautious are concerned about rushing in on uncertain ground. They recall the advent of television and the unmet promises of that technology with respect to education. The purpose of this study is to develop an e-learning adoption model that is firmly founded in education research (especially with respect to learning) coupled with what is understood about the diffusion and acceptance of (information) technology. The goal of developing such a model is to identify and pair crucial learning characteristics of students with the acceptance of the technology used to deliver educational content electronically so as to foster mastery learning. Students can use the results of this study to help decide whether or not to enroll in an e-learning course or what additional strategies they may need to employ so as to maximize the experience. Businesses may benefit from an understanding of how to match the needs of their

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