"Multihop Transmission Opportunistic Protocol on Software Radio" by Sachin C. Hirve

Date of Award


Degree Type



Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Yu, Chansu

Subject Headings

Software radio, Computer networks, Wireless communication systems, Multihop wireless networks, USRP, Software Radio, GNU Radio


The need of high speed communication motivates us to use high bit rate communication to transmit more information in as little time as possible. However, MAC layer protocol overheads dominate the transmission capability particularly at high rates and hinder high speed transmission. Opportunistic transmission has been proposed to help to overcome this disadvantage by transmitting packets back-to-back without inter-packet delays. Though this approach alleviates the problem in single-hop wireless LAN scenario, it doesn't help in multi-hop networks. This thesis presents an approach for multi-hop wireless networks, which is named as Multi-hop Transmission OPportunity (MTOP). It achieves better performance by ensuring better end-to-end packet transmission by allowing back-to-back packet transmission over multiple hops rather than that by one node. Recent developments in wireless communication research have fueled verification of new approaches on real-life systems rather than simulation. In this thesis, the MTOP approach has been implemented and verified on a widely known software radio platform i.e. USRP hardware and GNU Radio open source software framework. Software radio has emerged as one of the potential platforms for future wireless applications. The wide spread acceptance of software radio is due to the flexibility achieved by porting complex hardware functions to software. This not only speeds up the development, but also creates the multi-standard support for wireless applications. The results show that MTOP improves network performance in a multi-rate ad-hoc network as compared to the contemporary approaches