"Six Stories" by James Silver


Six Stories


James Silver

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in English



First Advisor

Lardner, Ted

Subject Headings



The six stories contained in this thesis were created during my graduate studies at Cleveland State University. All six stories resulted from different class writing prompts, and each exercise encouraged a new idea that was then work shopped and revised. Still, there is a common thread running through these stories: the writer. My interest in communicating and entertaining has always been present and well nurtured. I have had the good fortune to be in constant contact with that inner voice, both professionally and personally. These six stories represent a brief hesitation in sixty years of accumulated feelings, insights and beliefs. They do not represent a conclusion or a stopping point. In fact, they offer a snapshot of where I have been, and a glimpse of where I am headed. I am grateful for all of the stimulation and criticism I have received during my time at Cleveland State. It is from this point that I now push off and continue my growth as a writer.