Date of Award


Degree Type



Education and Human Services

First Advisor

Schultheiss, Donna

Subject Headings

Women -- Employment -- United States, Women employees -- United States, Social cognitive theory, women nontraditional careers trades and construction social cognitive career theory self-efficacy interests


Women pursuing nontraditional careers face many obstacles and constraints that can limit or impede their career development. Those who wish to participate in trades and construction occupations must often overcome the absence of meaningful learning experiences and role models, weak self-efficacy beliefs, uncertain outcome expectations along with cultural and institutional barriers. Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994) provides a theoretical framework to study the career development of these women. The learning experiences, self-efficacy beliefs, and outcome expectations of 73 women with expressed Realistic interests were examined to further illuminate their career interest development. Results of this study demonstrated that some of the propositions suggested by SCCT (1994), particularly the positive and significant relations between learning experiences and interests, self-efficacy and interests, and, outcome expectations and interests, were supported for this sample of women. Recommendations for career counseling practice and research are offered

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