150 Years of Euclid Avenue's Greatness
Date Range
January 21 through Feburary 27, 2016
Richard Klein
Photo Courtesy of Cleveland Public Library
Commercial interests took priority over residential needs by the time this photograph of Upper Euclid Avenue was taken in 1910. The massive brick façade of the newly completed Pope Building overshadows the residences of Edwin C. Rouse at 1208 Euclid Avenue and William P. Southworth at 1218 Euclid Avenue. These once highly fashionable Tuscan mansions with their ornate Mansard roofs and decorative roof dormers seem very old fashion.
The fruit stands found along the sidewalk serve the ever growing needs of nearby merchants and their many patrons. A small sign to the right of the fruit stand directs visitors to the Hotel Wyandot on nearby Prospect Avenue. Both residences were demolished for the fabulous new Halle Brothers Department Store in 1911.
Exhibition Title
150 Years of Euclid Avenue's Greatness