"High War Crimes Court of Ukraine for Atrocity Crimes in Ukraine" by Milena Sterio, Michael P. Scharf et al.

High War Crimes Court of Ukraine for Atrocity Crimes in Ukraine

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Ukraine, International Criminal Court (ICC), atrocity crimes


To assist with the investigation and prosecution of alleged atrocity crimes, in light of the strain that such developments will place on a domestic prosecution service, and to balance the needs related to legitimacy, Public International Law & Policy Group (PILPG) proposes a High War Crimes Court of Ukraine to the Ukrainian and international communities alike. A High War Crimes Court of Ukraine can offer the international expertise needed to mitigate perceived local bias, while ensuring that the process does not lose local ownership and remains connected to those most affected by the conflict. It also fills the looming accountability gap to eventually prosecute mid level offenders, as neither the ICC nor existing domestic judiciary will be able to in a timely manner.


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