"Empirical Sociolegal Research and the Use of LSSSE Data" by Shih-Chun Steven Chien and Ajay K. Mehrotra

Empirical Sociolegal Research and the Use of LSSSE Data

Document Type

Blog Posting

Publication Date


Publication Title

Law School Survey of Student Engagement (LSSSE)


law students, American Bar Foundation (ABF), LSSSE data, judicial clerkships


In this post, we would first like to underscore what makes LSSSE data special and valuable for empirical, sociolegal scholars studying legal education and the profession. Second, we describe the American Bar Foundation (ABF) and what sets it apart as a non-profit, non-partisan, independent research institute focusing on law. Finally, we conclude by discussing a recent ABF project on diversity and inclusion that leverages LSSSE data to explore law student career preferences and expectations about judicial clerkships.


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