"Why Motivations Matter Revisited: More So Now" by Shih-Chun Steven Chien and Stephen Daniels

Why Motivations Matter Revisited: More So Now

Document Type

Blog Posting

Publication Date


Publication Title

Law School Survey of Student Engagement (LSSSE)


legal education, legal profession, public service


Our comparative findings concerning change, though quite preliminary at this point, reinforce the importance of motivation for the study of legal education and the legal profession. An influx of students highly motivated by contributing to the public good has implications for both. It may shift the dynamics of the legal employment and increase the pool of graduates who aspire to much needed public service careers. At the same time, it means that law schools will need to provide the educational opportunities and support for those students to succeed, something not always the case. This could include working more closely with public service employers to provide needed opportunities and support.


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