"Cleveland the Comeback City: The Politics of Redevelopment and Sport" by W Dennis Keating

Cleveland the Comeback City: The Politics of Redevelopment and Sports Stadiums Amidst Urban Decline

Document Type

Contribution to Book

Publication Date


Publication Title

Reconstructing Urban Regime Theory, Regulating Urban Politics in a Global Economy


city revitalization, redevelopment politics, Gateway, public-private partnerships, sports franchises


This critique will analyze the politics of Cleveland's modern redevelopment efforts, focusing on downtown sports complexes. Public financing has been critical to the public-private partnerships that have been hailed so often as indicators of Cleveland's revitalization success. Their creation and use will be critically examined, as well as their impacts on the city's residents. Several models will be referred to in this case study: the city as growth machine, urban political regimes, regulatory theory, uneven development, and the dual city phenomenon.



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