"Civil Liberties and the Grave Danger of Terrorism: Speech before the C" by Arthur R. Landever

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Cuyahoga County Bar Association


Supporters and Opponents endorse Lincoln's caution that the "dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. We must think anew." All sides also agree that "eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." But what do such words mean in the world following 9/11? Supporters and Opponents of the National Government's anti-terrorism policies have starkly different perceptions. This is so as to a) the crisis we face, b) the need for particular policies, and c) the impact on civil liberties and upon our Constitutional system. Clearly, lawyers have a special duty to understand those differing perceptions in order to make up their own minds as to how best to protect the rule of law in this "Post 9/11 Age".
