2023/2024 Friends of the Library Events | Friends of the Library

During the 2023-2024 Academic Year the Friends of the Michael Schwartz Library offered a hybrid book discussion; celebrated National Friends of the Library Week and National Library Week; provided an opportunity to meet a local author, and initiated a pilot project "Connect with CSU Faculty" to recognize the research of Cleveland State University faculty. The Friends featured Professor Mark J. Sundahl who posts his articles in EngagedScholarship @ Cleveland State University, the University’s digital showcase of scholarly work.

Also new for only the 2023-2024 Academic Year, the Friends of the Michael Schwartz Library provided access to free, virtual events each month featuring bestselling, award-winning, and highly acclaimed authors from around the world. Featured writers and thought leaders covered a wide range of fiction and nonfiction genres.

Join the Friends of the Library or make a donation to thank them for all they do to make our Library and community so much better. The Friends of the Library thank you for your support and appreciate your participation in their events!


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Thursday, October 19th
12:00 PM

Book Discussion of The Ride of Her Life, by Elizabeth Letts

Richard Fox
Jane Dugan, Cleveland State University

RT 502 and via Zoom

12:00 PM

Friday, March 15th
10:00 AM

Tour International Women’s Air and Space Museum

Friends of the Michael Schwartz Library

Burke Lakefront Airport, 1501 N. Marginal Rd. Ste 165, Cleveland, Ohio 44114

10:00 AM

Thursday, March 28th
12:00 PM

Connect with CSU Faculty featuring Mark Sundahl

Mark Sundahl, Cleveland State University

12:00 PM

Wednesday, April 10th
12:00 PM

Local Author Talk with John Grabowski

John Grabowski

12:00 PM

Thursday, April 11th
10:00 AM

Book Sale

Friends of the Michael Schwartz Library

1st floor of the Library

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Tuesday, May 21st
12:00 PM

Annual Meeting

W. Dennis Keating, Cleveland State University

12:00 PM
