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Louis T. Milic: From the Editor, 3
Robert J. White: The Artificial Extension of Life and a New Definition of Death, 4
Neurosurgeon reveals difficulty in drawing the line between life and death.
Edward T. Bartlett III: Brain Death-A Philosopher's Perspective, 8
A commentary on Dr. White's article from an ethical viewpoint.
Keith M. Kendig: Mathematics, Truth and Beauty, 11
A great mathematician will often choose beauty over correctness.
Elizabeth Kirk: Severance Hall, Cleveland's Temple of Music, 27
The Cleveland Orchestra's sumptuous home began as John Severance's memorial for his wife.
Joel S. Hauserman: A sequence of photographs, "The Lost Dance", 47
Susan and Buzz Gorsky: Ni'ihau: The Island Time Forgot, 56
Tropical breezes, palm trees, no phones, no cars, no government-and no visitors allowed.
Six Poets: A Sampler, 65
Roy Bentley: "The One Life We Have", 66
Jeanne Norris: "When Old Tillie Moved", 68
"Secrets", 68
Jeff Gundy: "Chainsaw Inquiries", 69
"Grease in the Fingernails", 69
Alois Zimmerman: "While Contemplating a Slice of Wonder", 71
"Reprieve", 71
Paul Bennett: "The Conference on War and Peace", 73
Lyn Lifshin: "Bad Middle of the Night Blues", 75
"Hearing About It”, 75
"Other Valentine's Day in the Apartment on Main Street", 75
James M. Schuerger: Personality Questionnaires for Hiring Decisions, 77
Why your future employer wants to know if you would rather live in the city or the country, and if you had an imaginary playmate as a child.
Hester Lewellen: Feeding the Poor in Cleveland, 84
How churches are trying to take up the slack from federal budget cuts.
Michael Samerdyke: Fiction, "Spellbound at the New Mayfield", 94
Dwight Brown: Letter, 94
Errata, 94
Publication Date
Spring 1986
Cleveland State University
Arts and Humanities | Business | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Recommended Citation
Cleveland State University, "The Gamut: A Journal of Ideas and Information, No. 18, Spring/Summer 1986" (1986). The Gamut Archives. 16.

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Arts and Humanities Commons, Business Commons, Medicine and Health Sciences Commons, Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons