Copyright Information | Hamlet, Prince of Denmark | Tragedies | Cleveland State University

Acknowledgement & Copyright for Use of Special Collections Materials

The Michael Schwartz Library at Cleveland State University allows reproductions of materials from Special Collections for the purposes of research, scholarship, teaching, news reporting, criticism, or comment.

Cleveland State University makes no representation of copyright ownership for the non-digital materials in Special Collections. For example, copyright ownership of Newspaper Enterprise Association (NEA), Acme, or United Press International (UPI) photographs may still remain with those organizations.

Organizations and individuals seeking to use materials for publication must obtain permission directly from the appropriate copyright holder.

The Michael Schwartz Library requests that all materials from Special Collections that are to be used in publication include a complete acknowledgment, including the name of the collection or photographer (if known). A minimum credit line should include either “The Cleveland Press Collection”, “Michael Schwartz Library, Cleveland State University”, or “Special Collections, Cleveland State University Library”, as appropriate.

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