EngagedScholarship@CSU - Interprofessional Education: We are the Medicine

Event Title

We are the Medicine

Author Biography

Kevin Dieter M.D. FAAHPM is a 1985 graduate of Northeastern Ohio Medical University (NEOMED), and is currently a Clinical Associate Professor of Family Medicine at NEOMED as well as serving as an Associate Medical Director of the Hospice of the Western Reserve in Cleveland, Ohio.. He is board certified in both Family Medicine and Hospice and Palliative Medicine, and became a Fellow of the Hospice and Palliative Medicine Academy in 2009. He is active nationally in the Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, recently serving as Chair of the Spirituality and Humanities Special Interest Group. He completed his residency training in 1988, established Waynesburg Family Practice, and discovered his passion for hospice care shortly thereafter when he became the medical director for a local hospice program. Kevin’s professional energy and training have been focused on hospice, palliative care, and medical ethics since that time.

Kevin remains active in medical education in diverse venues, including NEOMED, where he helped to develop the nationally recognized Palliative Care curriculum, which has a strong component of a “Hospice Patient as Teacher” experience during the Family Medicine clerkship. He is the recipient of several teaching honors, including the 2012 Tow Humanism in Medicine Award, 2017 H. Peter Burg Faculty Award for Excellence in Palliative Care, Summa Health System Community Preceptor of the Year, and Kevin was recently inducted into the NEOMED Master Teachers Guild.

Kevin has provided hospice and palliative care at several health care systems, but recently has been drawn to focus on bedside care of the dying and their families as a physician at the 40 bed David Simpson Hospice House. Compassionate care of the dying also led him to his involvement in the Sacred Art of Living program where he is currently a mentor and facilitator, having completed the Anamcara Apprenticeship. In 2017, he received the Anamacara Award in Palliative Care. His ongoing hope is to incorporate that wisdom into medical education throughout the medical and nursing education system, and he is spearheading local and regional efforts to engage the community in dialogues around death and dying. Kevin and his wife Jennie live in Brecksville, Ohio and are fortunate to enjoy the Cuyahoga Valley National Park outside their door. They have 3 “grown kids” who have started adventures of their own in Washington, DC, Columbus and Lakewood, and recently were blessed with 2 beautiful granddaughters. He enjoys flyfishing, reading, cooking and drinking wine.

Tique Oeflein, RN, FNP-C, ACHPN is a Family NP certified in Hospice and Palliative Care and worked at Hospice of the Western Reserve for the past 7.5 years. Her patient population has included patients in the community, living in their homes or nursing facilities, and also patients admitted to the Inpatient Hospice House. Tique is trainer for ELNEC (End-of-Life Nursing- Education- Consortium) and an approved educator for HPNA - Hospice and Palliative Nursing Association. Tique entertained a death cafe at her house after hearing about LIzzy's success in Columbus and is passionate about dignified end of life care. She is pleased to be here with you today to support healthcare students to become more comfortable providing end of life care.

Lizzy Miles, M.A., M.S.W., L.S.W. Lizzy Miles is a hospice social worker, free-lance writer, speaker and thanatologist. She hosted the First Death Café in the United States and has a collection of published works such as The Smoking section: Memories or America’s most hated vice; The Downside of Dream Jobs; Somewhere in Between: The Hokey Pokey, Chocolate Cake and the Shared Death Experience. Lizzy has increased conversations about end-of-life via media coverage of EOL work, including articles in New York Times, Huffington Post, LA Review Books and USA Today.


Student Center Ballroom


interprofessional education, palliative care, hospice, death and dying, end of life care

Presentation Type



We are all healers— to ourselves, each other and the world around us. Whether you are on the path of becoming a health professional, or have been in practice for a long time, this half-day workshop will help you to view healing from a holistic perspective that draws from the ancient traditions while respecting contemporary science.

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Start Date

22-3-2018 9:00 AM

End Date

22-3-2018 12:30 PM

Registration and Contact Information

There is no cost to CSU and NEOMED students and faculty to attend.

RSVP to Antoinette Speed at a.l.speed@csuohio.edu

Professionals interested in applying for continuing education, please contact:

J. Noëlle Muscatello, M.Ed., CPP at j.n.muscatello@csuohio.edu


Parking Information:

The South Garage (SG) is located east of the Wolstein Center on Prospect between E. 21st and E. 22nd (just south of the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Regional Transit Center). Entrance is on East 21st (one way southbound), 2101 E. 21st Street. Exits are located on East 21st (one way southbound) and East 22nd (one way northbound).

The garage has four levels with 623 parking spaces and provides parking for CSU Prepaid parking patrons (faculty, staff, and students) and for daily use and campus visitors. SG is automated and has no parking attendant on site.

WeAreTheMedicine_recommended reading list.pdf (1025 kB)
Recommended Reading List

Webinar URL



Event Location

Mar 22nd, 9:00 AM Mar 22nd, 12:30 PM

We are the Medicine

Student Center Ballroom

We are all healers— to ourselves, each other and the world around us. Whether you are on the path of becoming a health professional, or have been in practice for a long time, this half-day workshop will help you to view healing from a holistic perspective that draws from the ancient traditions while respecting contemporary science.

