"Food-Borne Ultimatum: Proposing Federal Legislation to Create Humane L" by Lynn M. Boris


Lynn M. Boris


In order to reduce the large number of human health risks associated with reckless farming practices, Congress must enact federal legislation that requires humane living conditions for farm animals and declares a moratorium on the routine use of unnecessary antibiotics. Part II of this Note will briefly review traditional farming and animal husbandry practices and examine the shift to the modern practices used by producers of animal products today. Part II will also present several farming practices utilized today that are particularly dangerous to human health. Part III of this Note will explore the immense human suffering that is occurring as a result of these modern farm practices. It will also examine the current statutory and regulatory landscape and discuss why the current system is failing. Parts IV and V of this Note will explore recent developments in congressional legislation and propose guidelines for a federal statute, with suggested minimum requirements for the treatment and living conditions of animals raised for human consumption, in order to improve human health.
