"Medical Consensus on Gender Affirming Care's Critical Impact on Incarc" by John Parsi


In Kosilek v. Spencer the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit adopted The World Professional Association of Transgender Health Standards of Care (WPATH SOC) as medical consensus on gender affirming care and held that Michelle Kosilek could access gender affirming care but that she did not meet the criteria for gender affirming surgery. In Gibson v. Collier the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit with a sparse record and no expert testimony denied Vanessa Lynn Gibson access to gender affirming surgery and incorrectly claimed that Kosilek did not support the WPATH SOC as representing the medical consensus on gender affirming care. Finally, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held in Edmo v. Corizon that denying access to gender affirming surgery to an incarcerated transgender person suffering from severe gender dysphoria resulting in two attempts at self-castration, cutting to reduce genital distress, and suicidal ideation violated the Eighth Amendment. In doing so, the Ninth Circuit joined medical and scientific organizations who widely adopt The World Professional Association of Transgender Health Standards of Care (WPATH SOC) as medical consensus on gender affirming care. Nonetheless, 10 Ninth Circuit Judges dissented to the denial of rehearing en banc in Edmo. Although the Supreme Court denied certiorari (with Justice Thomas and Alito dissenting), the Supreme Court also denied certiorari in the Fifth Circuit case Gibson v. Collier which denied access to gender affirming surgery and rejected the WPATH SOC without offering any alternatives.

Transgender women are disproportionately incarcerated in the United States. Black transgender women are disproportionately represented even among incarcerated transgender women. The combination of transphobia and racism result in worse medical outcomes following a failure to provide adequate medical care.

This article argues that rejecting the WPATH SOC disproportionately impacts Black transgender women. Failure to recognize the WPATH SOC as medical consensus will perpetuate medical and carceral racism and transphobia.
