"Defining the Problem and Searching for Solutions: Health Care Provider" by Richard Buxbaum, Frank Kimber et al.


A panel consisting of health care providers and consumers discussed defining the problem and searching for solutions. Richard Buxbaum of the Greater Cleveland Hospital Association addressed uncompensated care, otherwise known as charity care, as a problem for hospitals. Mandating employer based health insurance was offered as a solution. Frank Kimbler of the Federation for Community Planning gave an overview of the consumer side of the uninsured problem. He mentioned a joint pilot project to insure the working poor. Henry Manning of Metrohealth explained how price competition between hospitals creates a problem for urban teaching hospitals which bear the costs of caring for the poor and training doctors. He also shared figures for unreimbursed care costs accrued by Metrohealth in various categories. Dr. van Heeckeren presented the physician's view on the insurance issue. The panel then answered questions.


Symposium: Ohioans without Health Insurance: How Big a Problem - Are there Solutions
