EngagedScholarship@CSU - Journal of Law and Health Lecture Series: Bullies in a Wired World: Cyberspace Victimization's Impact on Adolescent Mental Health and the Need for Cyberbullying Legislation in Ohio

Bullies in a Wired World: Cyberspace Victimization's Impact on Adolescent Mental Health and the Need for Cyberbullying Legislation in Ohio


Cleveland-Marshall College of Law

Start Date

23-9-2011 1:00 PM

End Date

23-9-2011 4:00 PM


Cyberbullying's negative impact on adolescent mental health and increasing cases of cyberbullying-induced teen suicide compelled thirty-four states to pass specific cyberbullying legislation. Ohio has also been affected by the disturbing trend. In the past five years, four teens from Mentor High School took their own lives after relentless bullying. The current cyberbullying bill pending in Ohio, the "Jessica Logan Act," is named after a Cincinnati teen who committed suicide after months of online bullying.

Speaker Information

For additional resources, see the Cyberbullying Resource Guide.

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Sep 23rd, 1:00 PM Sep 23rd, 4:00 PM

Bullies in a Wired World: Cyberspace Victimization's Impact on Adolescent Mental Health and the Need for Cyberbullying Legislation in Ohio

Cleveland-Marshall College of Law

Cyberbullying's negative impact on adolescent mental health and increasing cases of cyberbullying-induced teen suicide compelled thirty-four states to pass specific cyberbullying legislation. Ohio has also been affected by the disturbing trend. In the past five years, four teens from Mentor High School took their own lives after relentless bullying. The current cyberbullying bill pending in Ohio, the "Jessica Logan Act," is named after a Cincinnati teen who committed suicide after months of online bullying.