"Constitution Day Looks at Mapp v. Ohio" by Jonathan Witmer-Rich

Event Title

Constitution Day Looks at Mapp v. Ohio

Event Series Title

Criminal Justice Forum

Document Type





In honor of Constitution Day, please join C|M|LAW and Cleveland State University for a premier showing of the film, The Constitution Project: Search and Seizure,* which features Mapp v. Ohio, a landmark U.S. Supreme Court Fourth Amendment case that originated in the Cleveland area.

After the film, Professor Jonathan Witmer-Rich will lead a discussion about the exclusionary rule: what should happen when the police illegally invade someone's privacy in violation of the Fourth Amendment? He will discuss the history of the exclusionary rule, describe the continued debate about the wisdom of excluding reliable evidence in a criminal trial, and then lead the audience in a discussion of that debate.

A reception in the law school atrium will follow the program. *This film is a project of the Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics at the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania in partnership with the Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands and it will not be officially released until Constitution Day 2012.


Also see the Cleveland Memory Project digital exhibit on the Mapp case.
