
Submissions from 2008

National Service Programs, Jeffrey L . Brudney

Neighborhood Change Through Education and Social Capital: Does it really work?, Jeffrey L . Brudney

The Impact of Organizational Sector on Governance and Management in Local Government Partnerships, Jeffrey L . Brudney

The 'New Emergency Management': Applying the Lessons on a Collaborative Governance to 21st Century Emergency Planning, Jeffrey L . Brudney

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Direct and Indirect Effects for the Nonprofit Sector, Jeffrey L . Brudney

Thirty-five Years of Nonprofit Research: An Analysis of Trends and Future Directions, Jeffrey L . Brudney

USDA Forest Service Volunteerism Study, Jeffrey L . Brudney

Volunteer Programs, Jeffrey L . Brudney

Service-Learning Impacting Citizenship: A 'SLIC' Way to Raise the Civic Aptitude and Behavior of High School Students, Jeffrey L . Brudney and Colleen Kassouf

The Impact of Volunteering on Successful Aging: A Review with Implications for Program Design, Jeffrey L . Brudney and Young-joo Lee

Exploring Variations in Contracting for Services Among American Local Governments: Do Politics Still Matter?, Jeffrey L . Brudney, Sergio Fernande, and Jay Ryu

Database Improvement: New Establishment Dynamics, Joel A. Elvery

Small Scale Housing Strategies that Work, Brian A. Mikelbank


Driving Ohio's Prosperity (Auto supply chain), Edward W. Hill

Methodology for Land use and Socioeconomic Indicators for Balanced Growth Program and Pilot Test to Establish Baseline Data, Sugie Lee and Wendy A. Kellogg


The Conjunctive Analysis of Case Configurations: an Exploratory Method for Discrete Multivariate Analyses of Crime Data, Terance D. Miethe, Timothy C. Hart, and Wendy C. Regoeczi

Cross-Sector Competencies, Jennifer K. Alexander


Patenting by Cleveland's Inventors: Critical Areas and Knowledge Flows, Iryna Lendel and Songpyo Kim

Emerging Threats to Community Stability: A Spatial Hedonic Model, Brian A. Mikelbank

What Drives Morally Committed Citizens? A Study of the Antecedents of Public Service Motivation, James Perry, Jeffrey L . Brudney, David Coursey, and Laura Littlepage


Clearing Murders: Is It about Time?, Wendy C. Regoeczi, John P. Jarvis, and Marc Riedel

Mayor Jackson Uses Performance Measurement to Achieve Results and Advance Social Equity in Cleveland, Vera D. Vogelsang-Coombs and William M. Denihan


The Influence of Communication and Cosmopoliteness on Quality of Life Perceptions, Leo W. Jeffres, Kimberly A. Neuendorf, Cheryl C. Bracken, and David Atkin

Uncovering Political Institutions: The Government and Governance of Ohio, Vera D. Vogelsang-Coombs and Lawrence F. Keller


Reconciling the Differences Between the “Gender-Responsive” and the “What Works” Literatures to Improve Services for Girls, Dana Jones Hubbard and Betsy Mattews


JumpStart Inc: Economic Impact on Northeast Ohio, 2007, Jill S. Taylor and Ziona Austrian


The Role of CSU's EDA University Center (Presentation), Ziona Austrian

Content Analysis, William M. Bowen and Chieh-Chen Bowen

Measuring the Impact of the Affiliated Organizations of the Points of Light & Hands on Network, Jeffrey L . Brudney

Students' Vocational Choices and Voluntary Action: A 12-nation Study, Jeffrey L . Brudney; Debbie Haski-Le; Ram A Cnaan; Femida Handy; Kirsten Holmes; Lesley Hustinx; Chulhee Kang; Meenaz Kassam,; Lucas C Meijs; and Bhagyashree Ranade

Psychometric Verification of Perry's Public Service Motivation Instrument: Results for Volunteer Exemplars, Jeffrey L . Brudney, James L. Perry, David Course, and Laura Littlepage

The Other Side of the Coin: What do Business Schools Teach the Typical Business Undergraduate Student about the Nonprofit Sector? A Case Study from the Netherlands, Jeffrey L . Brudney, Lucas Meijs, and Esther Ten Hoorn


Poverty Programs and Prices: How Adjusting for Costs of Living Would Affect Federal Benefit Eligibility, Leah Beth Curran, Kimberly Furdell, and Edward W. Hill


Comprehensive Study of Regionalism: Tools for Comparison and Evaluation, George A. Erickcek, Jason M. Preuss, Brad Watts, Claudette Robey, and Kevin E. O'Brien

Branch Libraries of the Enoch Pratt Free Library, Isabelle Gournay, Stephanie Ryberg-Webster, Erica Shultz, Mary Corbin, and Christopher Perez


Children’s Preferred Learning Strategies in Video Games: A Preliminary Investigation, Karla R. Hamlen


Sustainable Reuse Strategies for Vacant and Abandoned Properties, Kathryn W. Hexter, Cathryn Greenwald, and Mary Helen Petrus


2008 Northeast Ohio Barometer of Economic Attitudes, Kathryn W. Hexter, Molly Schnoke, and John F. Brennan


Our Place in the Urban Age Summary Report, Kathryn W. Hexter, Molly Schnoke, and Cathryn Greenwald

Linking micro and macro: a conceptual and methodological challenge for negotiations research, Sanda Kaufman

Turning points: Interview with Daniel Druckman, Sanda Kaufman


Review of My Life Among the Deathworks: Illustrations of the Aesthetics of Authority, by P. Rieff, Philip Manning


Transforming the College through Technology: A Change of Culture, James A. McLoughlin, Lih-Ching Chen Wang, and William A. Beasley

A Report to the National Urban League: Determining the Placement of New Entrepreneurship Centers in Selected Affiliate Cities, 2008, Stuart Mendel


Paths to Success: The Critical Role of Nonprofits in Developing Leadership in the African American Community of Cleveland, Ohio, Stuart Mendel

St. Paul’s Community Outreach Program Community Planning Project 2007-2008, Stuart Mendel

Beyond the Foreclosure Crisis, Brian A. Mikelbank, Charles Post, Ivan Maric, and Thomas Bier


The Sky isn’t Falling Everywhere, Brian Mikelbank, Charlie Post, and Ivan Maric


An Analysis of the Feasibility of a Joint Economic Development District between the City of Brunswick and Hinckley Township, Kevin O'Brien, Claudette Robey, Daila Shimek, Michael McGoun, and Ryan Foster

A Scan of Attributes in County Government Structure, Kevin O'Brien, Holly Cooper Whisman, Ryan Foster, and Melissa Rowe

The Impact of Sector Specialization on Entrepreneurial Activity, Haifeng Qian and H. Li


Best Practices: Innovative Funding Mechanisms for Financing a Lead Remediation Program, Claudette Robey, Daila Shimek, Michael McGoun, Kara Chernet, and Christopher Gollan

Understanding and Interpreting Layered, Complex and Contested Histories, Stephanie R. Ryberg-Webster


Changes in Poverty and Educational Attainment, 2000 to 2007 Poverty Rates Increasing for those with College Education, Too, Mark Salling


Hispanics and Asians Increase in Numbers in Cuyahoga County An Analysis of 2007 County Population Estimates, Mark Salling


Ohio Continues to Lag in Population Growth and Comments on Prospects for the Future an Analysis of 2007 State Population Estimates, Mark Salling


The Cleveland-Akron-Elyria Region Doing Well: More Persons Attending College and Getting Degrees, 2000 to 2007, Mark Salling

Mining Negotiation Theory for Planning Insights, Deborah Shmueli, Sanda Kaufman, and Connie Ozawa


Mining Negotiation Theory for Planning Insights, Deborah Shmueli, Sanda Kaufman, and Connie Ozawa

Affordable and Middle Class Housing On Johannesburg's Mining Sites: A Benefit-Cost Analysis, Robert A. Simons and Aly Karam

Use of Contingent Valuation Analysis in A Developing Country: Market Perceptions of Contamination on Johannesburg's Mine Dumps, Robert A. Simons, Aly Karam, Jesse Saginor, and Hlengani Baloyi

This Land Is Your Land, This Land Is My Land: Toward A Global Analysis Of Indigenous Tribal Land Claims, Robert A. Simons and Rachel Malmgren

Introduction to the Indigenous Property and Valuation Monograph, Robert A. Simons, Rachel Malmgren, and Garrick Small

The experience of Canadian Tribal Land Claims, Robert A. Simons and Shwetha Pai

Real Estate Practices Among Indigenous Peoples in South Africa: Pressure on the Urban Fringe, Robert A. Simons and Francois Viruly

The History of Ideas and Normative Research in Public Administration: Some Personal Reflections, Michael W. Spicer


Air pollution, economic development of communities, and health status among the elderly in urban China., Rongjun Sun and Danan Gu


The More Engagement, the Better? A Study of Mortality of the Oldest Old in China, Rongjun Sun and Yuzhi Liu


The Wiki as a Web 2.0 Tool in Education, Lih-Ching Chen Wang and William A. Beasley

Understanding Economically Distressed Cities, Harold Wolman, Edward W. Hill, Pamela Blumenthal, and Kimberly Furdell

Disturbance, Coping, and Innovation:A Phenomenology of Terror., Nicholas C. Zingale and Ralph P. Hummel

Submissions from 2007


The High-Tech Sector in Northeast Ohio: 2007 Update, Ziona Austrian and Jill S. Taylor


Designing Property Rights for Water: Mediating Market, Government, and Corporation Failures, Andrew Whitford and Benjamin Y. Clark


Emotions and Health, Linda E. Francis

Impact of Employment, Family Structure, and Income on NIBRS Offense, Victim, Offender, and Arrest Rates, Roland Chilton and Wendy C. Regoeczi


The Functions of the Social Bond, James J. Chriss


COMMENTARY: The Use of Focus Groups for Design and Implementation of Collaborative Environmental Administrative Programs: A Comparison of Two State-Level Processes in Ohio, Wendy Kellogg, Kevin E. O'Brien, Claudette Robey, and Kirstin Toth


Interim Executive Director Program, Stuart C. Mendel


An Update of the Regional Growth model for large and Mid-Size U.S. Metropolitan Areas: Northeast Ohio Dashboard Indicators: Executive Summary, Ziona Austrian, Iryna Lendel, and Jill S. Taylor


An Update of the Regional Growth Model for Large and Mid-Size U.S. Metropolitan Areas: Northeast Ohio Dashboard Indicators, Ziona Austrian, Iryna Lendel, and Afia Yamoah

The Impact of the Reputation of Bio-Life Science and Engineering Doctoral Programs on Regional Economic Development, Edward W. Hill and Iryna Lendel


Who Survives on Death Row? An Individual and Contextual Analysis, David Jacobs, Jason T. Carmichael, Zhenchao Qian, and Stephanie L. Kent


The Determinants of Executions Since 1951: How Politics, Protests, Public Opinion, and Social Divisions Shape Capital Punishment, David Jacobs and Stephanie L. Kent


Unpacking unintended consequences in planned organizationalchanges: A process model, Guowei Jian


The Relationship Between Black Racial Identity and Academic Achievement in Urban Settings, Brian E. Harper


John Carroll University: Economic Impact on Northeast Ohio, Jill S. Taylor, Ziona Austrian, and Afia Yamoah

Stages of life: Values, communication, and civic engagement, Leo W. Jeffres, Guowei Jian, Edward M. Horowitz, and Cheryl C. Bracken


International Business in Northeast Ohio, Patricia Cirillo, Jill S. Taylor, and Ziona Austrian


Murder Clearance Rates: Guest Editors' Introduction, John P. Jarvis and Wendy C. Regoeczi

Do Regional Growth Policies Affect Socioeconomic Disparity and Polarization within Metropolitan Regions?, Sugie Lee


Academic Motivation and Achievement Among Urban Adolescents, Joyce F. Long, Shinichi Monoi, Brian E. Harper, Dee Knoblauch, and P. Karen Murphy


Making the Case for Affordable Housing: Connecting Housing with Health and Education Outcomes, Elizabeth Mueller and J. Rosie Tighe

Integrated Information Systems for Highway Safety Management: Conceptual Design for Interoperability, S. Lee, Sung-Gheel Jang, Sung-Gheel Jang, and S. Kang

On Constitutionalism and Public Administration: Some Reflections on My Work with Larry Terry, Michael W. Spicer

Some Reflections on Democracy and their Implications for American Public Administration., Michael W. Spicer


The High-Tech Sector in Northeast Ohio: Baseline Report, Ziona Austrian and Jill S. Taylor


Jefferson Village Downtown District Plan, Wendy A. Kellogg, Kirby Date, Richard Klein, James Wyles, Alicia Dyer, Tim Kobie, and Christine Zuniga


Biological integrity in urban streams: Toward resolving multiple dimensions of urbanization, Bernard Michael Walton; Mark J. Salling PhD, GISP; James Wyles; and Julie Wolin

Ethics for Planners, Jennifer K. Alexander

A Global Comparison of Business Journal Ranking Systems, Jennifer K. Alexander, Robert F. Scherer, and Marc Lecoutre