Tape 06
Document Type
Audio File
circa 1968
Sam Sheppard discusses how things functioned in the penitentiary, including solitary confinement and the process of being put to death. He explains why he wouldn't accept parole on the terms that were offered. The final few minutes are a discussion about a letter received from son Sam Reese while on a trip to Hong Kong.
Streaming Media
Recording transcript
Recommended Citation
Levy, Bill, "Tape 06" (1968). Interviews of Sam Sheppard by Bill Levy. 7.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Captions were auto-generated and may not be accurate. Please contact us at sheppard.feedback@law.csuohio.edu if further assistance is required.
Warning: This recording contains strong language.