MSL Academic Endeavors is the publishing imprint of the Michael Schwartz Library at Cleveland State University. The eBooks we make available here are open textbooks and other open education resources created by CSU faculty. Other eBooks found here are written by local authors about the culture and history of Cleveland Northeast Ohio.
If you are interested in publishing your manuscript with MSL Academic Endeavors, email an EngagedScholarship @ Cleveland State University Administrator at or review our EngagedScholarship @ Cleveland State University eBooks Research Guide.
From Across the Pond: A Love Letter to Cleveland: The Memoirs of a Brit Journalist with the Cleveland Press 1970-82
Peter Almond
2022“From Across the Pond ” is the intimate story of Peter Almond, a young British journalist who immigrated to Cleveland in January, 1970, and worked at The Cleveland Press newspaper until its death in June, 1982.
It is a... (read more)
The Way We Are: 100 Plain Dealer Op-Eds
Thomas Bier
2023The book contains 100 op-ed articles submitted by Thomas Bier to the Plain Dealer and published between 1977 and 2022. Most of the articles concern a current event or issue in the city of Cleveland and/or communities in Northeast... (read more)
Housing Dynamics in Northeast Ohio: Setting the Stage for Resurgence
Thomas E. Bier
2017The book presents an overview of regional housing dynamics and consequent impacts in Northeast Ohio since the 1940s. Focus is on the city of Cleveland and its host county. Dynamics are examined in terms of supply and demand, population... (read more)
The Van Sweringen Developments in Cleveland: A Senior Thesis on the Van Sweringens
Joseph G. Blake
2015The Van Sweringen Developments in Cleveland: A Senior Thesis was submitted by Joseph G. Blake in May 1968 to the History Department of the University of Notre Dame, Indiana in partial fulfillment for a Bachelor of Arts Degree. It... (read more)
"Until Victory is Achieved:" The Cleveland May Day Riots of 1919
Emerson Bodde
2022This work recounts and analyses the socio-political conditions leading up to the event known as the 'Cleveland May Day Riots of 1919', as well as the political fallout of the riot. This event is analyzed through four distinct thematic... (read more)
Interactuando: Libro de Texto Para el Estudiante
Ana Capanegra
2022Libro de recursos de actividades prácticas y dinámicas de conversación para estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera (ELE) de nivel intermedio alto a avanzado
Language: Spanish
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The History of the Cleveland Nazis: 1933 - 1945
Michael Cikraji
2016During Cleveland’s Great Depression grew the first seeds of American Nazism. The city fostered an explicitly Nazi German-American Bund, a covert Silvershirt Legion detachment and prominent diplomatic agents from the Third Reich. Festooned with photos and meticulously documented, this... (read more)
The Bright Continent: African Art History (Second Edition)
Kathy Curnow
2021Significant original research is included in this textbook. Through nearly 1000 images, it explores both "traditional" and "contemporary" African art through general discussion and specifics. The first chapter discusses materials, gender, training, and patronage. Chapter Two covers the elements... (read more)
The Bright Continent: African Art History (Web Version)
Kathy Curnow
2021Significant original research is included in this textbook. Through nearly 1000 images, it explores both "traditional" and "contemporary" African art through general discussion and specifics. The first chapter discusses materials, gender, training, and patronage. Chapter Two covers the elements... (read more)
Plain Dealing: Cleveland Journalists Tell Their Stories
Dave Davis and Joan Mazzolini
2018“Plain Dealing” is a book of essays by 25 accomplished Cleveland-area journalists. It’ a book of stories, many never told before. It’s a first-person account of journalism in Cleveland, life in the newsroom, the issues and events these journalists... (read more)
Introduction to Writing in College
Melanie Gagich
2017This book was created not only to help students entering Cleveland State University’s College Writing sequence save money on textbooks, but also to introduce my course, university resources, and common college writing genres.
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A Guide to Rhetoric, Genre, and Success in First-Year Writing
Melanie Gagich and Emilie Zickel
2018This book combines the Introduction to Writing in College by Melanie Gagich and ENG 102: Reading, Writing and Research by Emilie Zickel, which were both supported by Cleveland State University's 2017 Textbook Affordability Small Grant.
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The Robert E. Gard Reader : To Change the Face of America, From Writings by Robert E. Gard
Robert E. Gard, Maryo Gard Gard Ewell, and LaMoine MacLaughlin
2010This Reader draws from the works of Robert E. Gard, professor at the University of Wisconsin, Extension. His chief areas of activity were in the theatre arts and in creative writing, with a strong side activity in collecting and... (read more)
Charles Chesnutt in the Classroom
Adrienne Gosselin
2018Charles Chesnutt in the Classroom is designed to introduce students, teachers, and interested readers to historical connections between Groveland, Ohio, the location for most of Chesnutt’s northern fiction, and Cleveland, Ohio, where Chesnutt was born in 1858 and died... (read more)
Between Spires and Stacks
Charles Hendry and Margaret T. Svendsen
2019Between Spires and Stacks is a hard-to-find 1936 classic examination of juvenile welfare in Cleveland’s Tremont neighborhood. Written by Charles E. Hendry and Margaret T. Svendsen, and published by the Welfare Federation of Cleveland, it is presented here with... (read more)
Right to Vote: The 15th and 19th Amendments
Stephanie D. Hinnershitz, Shelley Rose, and Robert S. Shelton
2019The 15th and 19th Amendments to the US Constitution. The year 2020 will mark the anniversaries of two amendments to the US Constitution that expanded the nation’s ideas about citizenship and extended the right to vote to African American... (read more)
Community Development in a Legacy City: The Cleveland Lab 1985 - 2010
Eric Hoddersen
2023This retrospective describes and assesses Cleveland’s approach as a legacy city to neighborhood revitalization from the early 1980s to the subprime mortgage foreclosure crisis of 2008 and its immediate aftermath.
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Cleveland Mayor Ralph J. Perk: Strong Leadership During Troubled Times
Richard Klein
2013This book is a tribute to one of Cleveland’s greatest leaders. Ralph J. Perk embodied the quintessential 20th century politician. A dedicated administrator with both insight and foresight, he dedicated nearly fifty years to public service. During his six-year... (read more)
Fast-Food Restaurant Industry: A Cleveland Perspective 1930-2016
Richard Klein
2016This writing will focus on some the major fast-food establishments that served Greater Cleveland and how they evolved over time. Emphasizes will also be placed on some of the smaller as well as larger restaurants. To lend additional clarity,... (read more)
KYW Radio: The Cleveland Years
Richard Klein
2022Did you ever wonder what happened to the great Top 40 radio stations of the 1950s and 1960s? Those fun lovin’ AM outlets with their fast-talking DJs and upbeat rock and roll music played a foremost role in the... (read more)
"Let's Go Shopping at the Square" Cleveland's Leading Downtown Department Stores: A Business Legacy
Richard Klein
2014This book is a tribute to the eight major downtown Cleveland department stores and their many loyal customers. For over 150 years, these large stores dominated the local retail scene. They represented exciting places that not only provided a... (read more)
The Changing Fortunes of American Business: Cleveland's Fortune 500 Companies
Richard Klein
2021Some frustrated business heads starting in the 1970s insinuated that older Rustbelt centers including Cleveland, Ohio were finding themselves losing their once decided economic advantage to other, more mindful Sunbelt communities. The fire on the Cuyahoga River in 1969... (read more)
The Evolution of Local Dealerships: The Backbone of the U.S. Automobile Industry
Richard Klein
2019The numerous business contributions made by some of the major Cleveland, OH auto dealerships over the past 130-years will be recognized in this book and how their innovative approaches towards both marketing and selling vehicles influenced the automotive industry... (read more)
The Legacy of the Pharmacy Industry: Cleveland, Ohio
Richard Klein
2017This book recognizes the many business contributions made by the major Cleveland, Ohio-based drugstore chains over the past two hundred years and how their highly resourceful approaches towards marketing and retailing affected the national pharmacy industry over that same... (read more)
"No Water for Niggers": The Hough Riots and the Historiography of the Civil Rights Movement
Olivia Lapeyrolerie
2015The author, Olivia Lapeyrolerie, graduated from the University of St Andrews, located in Scotland, where she received a Master of Arts in Modern History. This publication is the thesis she submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree in January... (read more)