Michael Schwartz Library Publications
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Digital projects are diverse, and there are a variety of ways to manage them. Learn how Cleveland State is streamlining workflows and making the most of limited resources across multiple departments. To streamline project approval and improve communication, the Cleveland State University Library re-evaluated and revised its process to use Microsoft SharePoint to manage workflows. Learn about the process from gathering and reviewing project requirements to implementing workflows based on needs.
Repository Citation
Miles, Marsha and Myers, Justin, "Creative Collaboration: Streamlining Digital Project Management and Workflow at Cleveland State University" (2016). Michael Schwartz Library Publications. 126.
Digital Project Propoal Form
Digital_Project_Approval_Workflow.pdf (35 kB)
Digital Project Approval Workflow
OLCpresentationNotes.pdf (1507 kB)
Presentation Notes
This was part of a session with presentations by Janet Carleton and Damon DeBorde from Ohio University Libraries for the 2016 Ohio Library Council Technical Services Retreat.