Michael Schwartz Library Publications
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Publication Title
LOEX Conference Proceedings
More than ever, college students engaging with their institutions’ libraries are distance students who may never physically set foot in the library building. Even on-campus students have hectic schedules which often prevent them from taking advantage of library assistance and instruction. For these and other reasons, librarians at Cleveland State University decided to reinvigorate their in-person information literacy workshops by supplementing them with an asynchronous online plagiarism workshop. In the process, the coordinating instruction librarian solicited help in designing the online workshop content from a number of stakeholders on campus, including other subject specialist librarians, a representative from the Office of Academic Programs, and the Writing Center Director. The result of the library’s transition to online library workshops included time saved on the part of the librarians and increased student participation, all at very little cost for the library.
Repository Citation
Goodsett, Mandi, "Reinvigorating a Library Workshop Series: Moving Workshops into the Online Environment" (2016). Michael Schwartz Library Publications. 145.
Original Citation
Goodsett, M. (2016). Reinvigorating a library workshop series: Moving workshops into the online environment. LOEX Conference Proceedings.