Michael Schwartz Library Publications
Cleveland's Endearing Symbol: 52 Stories of the Terminal Tower
Document Type
Exhibition Catalogue
Publication Date
When the Terminal Tower went up in 1928, it became the second tallest building in the world and for many years remained the tallest outside of New York. Towering over the Van Sweringen brothers' Cleveland Union Terminal project, it was both a landmark for the greater Cleveland region and capstone of the C.U.T., a city-within-a-city. Over the decades the Terminal Tower's landmark status was displayed in myriad ways, which were sampled in an exhibition at the Cleveland State University Art Galleries in the spring of 2018. The exhibition was curated by Bill Barrow and designed by Donna Stewart and here is a subsequent flipbook edition of the show catalog.
Repository Citation
Barrow, William C. and Stewart, Donna, "Cleveland's Endearing Symbol: 52 Stories of the Terminal Tower" (2018). Michael Schwartz Library Publications. 153.