Michael Schwartz Library Publications
Document Type
Contribution to Books
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Publication Title
Critical Thinking About Sources Cookbook
This recipe was developed to teach first- or second-year students source evaluation using inquiry-based learning. The method could be modified for a variety of settings, including online. The purpose behind using inquiry-based learning is to develop students’ cognitive habits of questioning, so they are able to transfer the evaluation skills they learn in the library session to other contexts. The evaluation process is focused less on finding quick answers and more on developing meaningful, searching questions about sources that are found as evidence.
Repository Citation
Goodsett, Mandi, "Inviting Students into the Kitchen: Inquiry-Based Learning as a Critical Thinking Instructional Strategy" (2020). Michael Schwartz Library Publications. 166.
Original Citation
Goodsett, M. (2020). "Inviting Students into the Kitchen: Inquiry-Based Learning as a Critical Thinking Instructional Strategy," in The Critical Thinking About Sources Cookbook, ed. Sarah Morris. Chicago: ACRL Publications.
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