EngagedScholarship@CSU - Open Access Events: Affordable Textbook Alternatives Workshop

Affordable Textbook Alternatives Workshop

Author Biography

Glenda A. Thornton is the Cleveland State University Michael Schwartz Library Director.

Program Type


Start Date and Time

27-10-2016 2:00 PM

End Date and Time

27-10-2016 3:00 PM


CSU Michael Schwartz Library, Rhodes Tower, Room 502, 1860 East 22nd Street, Cleveland, Ohio

Program Description

We are all concerned about the rising cost of higher education but often may not know what we can do as individuals. Faculty want to assign the best quality textbooks possible for their students but they know that some of these materials are very costly. In this workshop, faculty will learn how to find and use openly licensed quality educational resources that are free to students. In many cases these resources can be adapted to the individual instructor's class and, because they are freely available, students will have the needed resources the very first day of class. What a great way to help students improve classroom performance! The event is free.

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Oct 27th, 2:00 PM Oct 27th, 3:00 PM

Affordable Textbook Alternatives Workshop

CSU Michael Schwartz Library, Rhodes Tower, Room 502, 1860 East 22nd Street, Cleveland, Ohio

We are all concerned about the rising cost of higher education but often may not know what we can do as individuals. Faculty want to assign the best quality textbooks possible for their students but they know that some of these materials are very costly. In this workshop, faculty will learn how to find and use openly licensed quality educational resources that are free to students. In many cases these resources can be adapted to the individual instructor's class and, because they are freely available, students will have the needed resources the very first day of class. What a great way to help students improve classroom performance! The event is free.
