EngagedScholarship@CSU - Open Access Events: Tour of 3D Printing Lab

Tour of 3D Printing Lab

Program Type


Start Date and Time

26-10-2016 2:00 PM

End Date and Time

26-10-2016 3:00 PM


CSU Fenn Hall, Room 424, 1960 East 24th Street, Cleveland

Program Description

3D Printers (and their users) can take advantage of open access designs. Tour the Mechanical Engineering department's 3D Printing Lab, hear from an engineering student about how the technology works and how it’s used, and see a 3D printer in action.

Please email b.i.loomis@csuohio.edu to register for this free event!

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Oct 26th, 2:00 PM Oct 26th, 3:00 PM

Tour of 3D Printing Lab

CSU Fenn Hall, Room 424, 1960 East 24th Street, Cleveland

3D Printers (and their users) can take advantage of open access designs. Tour the Mechanical Engineering department's 3D Printing Lab, hear from an engineering student about how the technology works and how it’s used, and see a 3D printer in action.

Please email b.i.loomis@csuohio.edu to register for this free event!
