EngagedScholarship@CSU - Open Access Events: Copyright and Creative Commons Workshop

Copyright and Creative Commons Workshop

Author Biography

Glenda Thornton is the Director at Cleveland State University Michael Schwartz Library.

Program Type


Start Date and Time

24-10-2016 11:30 AM

End Date and Time

24-10-2016 12:30 PM


CSU Michael Schwartz Library, Rhodes Tower, Room 502, 1860 East 22nd Street, Cleveland, Ohio

Program Description

Have you ever wanted to use someone's intellectual property but didn't know how to get permission? Or, have you ever wanted to freely share your own intellectual property but didn't know how? Well, there are millions of people out there who do freely share their creations with others by using Creative Commons licensing on their copyright materials. Come to this workshop to learn both how you can freely share your intellectual property and use intellectual property that has been licensed with a Creative Commons license.

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Oct 24th, 11:30 AM Oct 24th, 12:30 PM

Copyright and Creative Commons Workshop

CSU Michael Schwartz Library, Rhodes Tower, Room 502, 1860 East 22nd Street, Cleveland, Ohio

Have you ever wanted to use someone's intellectual property but didn't know how to get permission? Or, have you ever wanted to freely share your own intellectual property but didn't know how? Well, there are millions of people out there who do freely share their creations with others by using Creative Commons licensing on their copyright materials. Come to this workshop to learn both how you can freely share your intellectual property and use intellectual property that has been licensed with a Creative Commons license.